Sunday, February 14, 2010

...Writing's The Thing...

I have a paper to write today
And I can't seem to find the words I need
So here I am in my little corner of the writing sky
Word hunting and stretching out my thoughts on this little cyber bed

Sitting still, staring at a blank screen
So for the last year
I am going to give writing a go every time
Even if I am moving in the wrong direction
I'm moving, aren't I?

Epistemes and ontologies
Turns and valences
Nature, nurture, culture and society
Humanities, science and technology

This is me trying to steer my ship back to the straight and narrow
Right now its the only way I know
Because brainstorming and thinking and drinking joe
And tearing out your hair and ripping up your cuticles

And sneaking on Twitter (who are you hiding from?)
And wikipediaing the random
And texting your bestie
And crunching on Pirates Booty

And having a little stretch break
And taking a nap
And beating yourself up
...I suppose they are all viable options...but

Writing's the thing, really

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy New Year +35 days!!!

I am the worst...I know...I am late for New Years! I know, I know...this post is WAY overdue. Excuses are not my thing but I have to say...I was in a major crisis at the top of the year. I had a 20 page paper due and my entire premise collapsed by page 5! So...I totally freaked and made a big deal of the paper as if it were my PhD dissertation. I really need to stop being so hard on myself. That's so 2009!

Anyways...I am sooooooo excited about 11 or so months! I have so much I want to do. For starters:

1. I want to finish out the first year of this anthro grad program with decent grades (need funding!)
2. Finish writing, recording and release my sophomore album
3. Continue tricking out my apartment so I can feel more like a grown up and less like an overgrown undergrad
4. Another maturation issue: better control over my finances...
5. Stop being such a fear monger! ARGH! So not cute...
6. Get started on a research project which may shape up to be my doctoral focus (or not)
7. Get my french going...I've got to get beyond these measly table manners
8. MORE WRITING (Submit for some journals, blogs, sites, conferences, etc.)

Not a bad start, eh?

I am super hopeful about everything. I am not sure if I will get everything done but I am going to keep working while I am waiting. ACTION!

P.S. I chose this pic of lovely Ms. Grier because it just says beauty and empowerment and looking ahead to me. I love!